Nostalgic Kits Central

Heathkit Ham Equipment Matrix

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Model Number Description Notes Picture Specs Info Docs 1st Year Last Year Price
AC-1 Antenna Coupler 80-10 75 watts - Schematic - - 53 56 -
AK-1 Microphone - - - - - 61 61 -
AK-5 Speaker Speaker for RX-1 - - 58 60 -
AK-6 Mounting kit Mobile Mounting kit for MT-1 and MR-1 - - - 59 63 -
AK-7 Speaker Mobile for MR-1 and HR-20 - - - 59 63 -
AM-1 Ant Impedance Meter 0-600 ohms / 0-150 mhz - Schematic - - 52 60 -
AM-2 SWR Meter 160-6M 50-75 ohms - Schematic - - 57 62 -
Apache Transmitter See TX-1 - - - - - - -
AT-1 Transmitter 80-10M, 25-35 watts input CW - Schematic - - 51 56 -
B-1 Balun Coil 80-10 75/300 ohms 1:1 or 4:1 200 watts - Schematic - - 57 63 -
CA-1 CONELRAD Alarm Schematic - - 57 60 -
Cantenna Dummy load See HN-31 - - - - - - -
Cheyenne Transmitter See MT-1 - - - - - - -
Chippewa Amplifier See KL-1 - - - - - - -
CO-1 Code Practice Oscillator Schematic - - - 59 67 $7.95
Comanche Receiver See MR-1 - - - - - - -
Crossfire RTTY Tuning Indicator See HD-3006 - - - - - - -
DX-20 Transmitter 80-10M 50w CW - Schematic - - 57 60 -
DX-35 Transmitter 80-10M 50w AM, 65w CW - Schematic - 56 57 -
DX-40 Transmitter 80-10M 75w AM, 60w CW - Schematic - 58 60 -
DX-40U Transmitter 80-10M 75w AM, 60w CW, U.K. version - - 58 60 -
DX-60 Transmitter 80-10M 90w AM/CW - Schematic - 62 64 -
DX-60A Transmitter 80-10M 90w AM/CW - Schematic - - 65 67 $79.95
DX-60B Transmitter 80-10M 90w AM/CW - Schematic - - - 67 76 -
DX-100 AM/CW Transmitter 160-10M, 100w AM, 120w CW - Schematic - 55 57 -
DX-100B AM/CW Transmitter 160-10M, 100w AM, 120w CW - - 58 60 -
GD-125 Q Multiplier Low boy styling 455-500 khz IF only - Schematic - - - 66 71 -
GD-1184 Auto Rotator - - - - - - - -
GH-12 Microphone PTT mobile - - - - 66 66 $6.95
GH-12A Microphone PTT mobile -new color/dark green - Schematic - - 69 79 -
GP-11 Power Supply 12 VDC for Lunch Box mobile - Schematic - - - 63 69 $16.88
HA-10 Amplifier HF KW amp Replaces KL- I - has internal power supply - Schematic - - 61 65 -
HA-14 Amplifier KW Kompact linear 80-10 meter 6 meter 70 watts PEP - Schematic - - - 65 68 $99.95
HA-20 Amplifier Six Meter Linear 125 PEP 75 AM - Schematic - - 62 64 -
HA-201 Amplifier VHF (143-149MHz 10w) - Schematic - - - 74 57 -
HA-201A Amplifier VHF 2 meter 8 watts - - 78 83 -
HA-202 Amplifier VHF 143-149M Hz, 20-50 watts - Schematic - - - 73 57 -
HA-202A Amplifier VHF (improved HA-202) - Schematic - - 78 84 -
HA-2513 Antenna Discone - 25-1300 MHz - - - - 87 87 -
HD-10 Keyer Schematic - - 65 74 $39.95
HD-11 Q Multiplier Improved QF-1 - Schematic - - - 61 64 -
HD-15 Phone Patch low boy style matches SB series - Schematic - - 66 83 $24.95
HD-16 Code Practice Oscillator Replaces CO-1 - Schematic - - - 67 74 -
HD-19 Phone Patch Schematic - - - 60 65 -
HD-20 Crystal Calibrator 100 kHz stand alone general purpose - Schematic - - - 60 75 $14.95
HD-1234 Coaxial Switch 6 position grounding antenna switch - Schematic - - - 73 91 -
HD-1245 Field Strength Meter - - - - 57 80 -
HD-1274 Outlet Box HD-1274 - - - - - - -
HD-1410 Keyer Replaces HD-10 - Schematic - - - 75 84 -
HD-1416 Code Practice Oscillator Replaces HD-16 - Schematic - - - 75 86 -
HD-1416A Code Practice Oscillator Replaces HD-1416 - - - 85 90 -
HD-1416H Code Practice Oscillator Replaces HD-1416A - - - - 88 91 -
HD-1418 Audio Filter Active audio filter - Schematic - - 83 91 -
HD-1418 Antenna Switch Remote 4 position - - - - 84 91 -
HD-1420 Converter VLF to HF 10-500 khz to 3510-4000 khz - Schematic - - 86 91 -
HD-1422 Antenna Noise Bridge Schematic - - - 85 89 -
HD-1422A Antenna Noise Bridge - - - - 89 91 -
HD-1424 Antenna Active Antenna 300 khz - 30 mhz - Schematic - - - 85 89 -
HD-1424A Antenna Active Antenna Replaces HD-1424 - Schematic - - - - 89 91 -
HD-1426 Field Strength Meter Replaces PM-2 1.8-250 mhz - Schematic - - - 57 80 -
HD-1481 Antenna Switch 4 position - replaces SA-1480 - Schematic - - 84 91 -
HD-1515 Phone Patch Schematic - - - 85 87 -
HD-1530 Touch-Tone Decoder Touch-Tone Decoder - Schematic - - - - 85 90 -
HD-1780 Antenna Rotor IntelliRotor - - - 90 92 -
HD-1982 Microphone Micoder touch-tone mike - Schematic - - - - 57 57 -
HD-1984 Microphone Micoder Replaces HD-1982 - Schematic - - - 78 83 -
HD-1986 Microphone Pre-amp Microlizer' - Schematic - - - 84 87 -
HD-3006 RTTY Tuning Indicator Crossfire - Schematic - - - 84 86 -
HD-3030 RTTY Terminal Unit Base type for SB/HW - Replaces HDP-121 - - - 84 87 -
HD-4040 TNC - - - - 85 87 -
HD-8999 UltraPro CW Keyboard CW Keyboard ('UltraPro') - Schematic - - 83 88 -
HDA-4040-1 TNC Status Indicator Schematic - - - - - -
HDP-21 Microphone Base type for SB/HW series - - 62 66 -
HDP-21A Microphone Schematic - - - 68 - $29.40
HDP-121 Microphone Base type for SB/HW - Replaces HDP-21 - - - 76 78 -
HDP-121 A Microphone - - - - - 78 81 -
HDP-242 Microphone Base type SB/HW Replaces HDP-121 A - - - 82 82 -
HDP-444 Microphone Base type new design for SB/HW portable for use - - - - 87 90 -
HDP-1228 Speaker - - - - - 57 79 -
HFT-9 Antenna Tuner 1.8-30M Hz 50w with 4:1 balun - Schematic - - - 83 91 -
HFT-9A Antenna Tuner Replaces HFT-9 - - - 87 90 -
HG-10 VFO 80-2M matches DX-60 - Schematic - - 61 66 $34.95
HG-10B VFO 80-2M matches DX-60 - - - 67 76 -
HK-21 TNC pocket packet - Schematic - - - 88 91 -
HK-232 TNC multi-mode - - - 87 91 -
HK-232A TNC multi-mode - - - - 88 91 -
HL-2200 Amplifier 2kw linear matches SS-9000 Replaces SB-221 no WARC- Schematic - - - 83 84 -
HM-9 Wattmeter 50w HF OR 6 meter OR 2 meter-choose one - Schematic - - - 83 91 -
HM-11 SWR Meter an AM-2 with new paint job - Schematic - - 62 65 -
HM-15 SWR Meter low boy style matches SB series - Schematic - - - 66 70 $14.95
HM-102 Wattmeter 3.5-30 MHz 2000w w/SWR bridge - Schematic - - 70 81 -
HM-2102 Wattmeter 50-160 mhz 0-25/0-250 watts - Schematic - - - 73 81 -
HM-2103 Dummy Load Wattmeter 1.8-30 MHz 1000w air cooled - - - 73 75 -
HM-2140 Wattmeter 1.8-30 mhz 0-200/0-2000 w dual reading - - - 79 83 -
HM-2140A Wattmeter H M-2140 w/new paint - 1.8-30 mhz 0-200/0-2000 dual reading - Schematic 1 Schematic 2 - - - 84 91 -
HM-2141 Wattmeter 50-175 mhz 0-30/0-300 w dual reading - - - 79 83 -
HN-31 Dummy load 0-450 MHz 2000w 'Cantenna' - Schematic - - 61 83 $9.95
HN-31A Dummy Load Re-designed HN-31 1.5-450+ mhz 1kw - - - 83 91 -
HO-10 Scope RF Monitor Station monitor for TX- I etc Schematic - - - 62 66 -
HO-13 Panadapter Panadapter for RX-1 etc - - 64 66 -
HO-5404 Station Monitor panadapter module sold seperately
- - - 85 88 -
HOA-5404-1 Panadapter Module Panadapter Module for HO-5404 - Schematic - - - - 85 - -
HP-10 Power Supply Mobile supply for MT-1 and MR-1 - - 60 63 -
HP-13 Power Supply Mobile for SB series - - - 63 70 $59.95
HP-13A Power Supply Mobile for SB series - Schematic - 70 73 -
HP-13B Power Supply Mobile for SB series - - - 73 79 -
HP-14 Power Supply Mobile for HA-14 - Schematic - - - 65 68 $89.95
HP-20 Power Supply Replaces UT-1 - Schematic - - - 61 63 -
HP-23 Power Supply 120 VAC for SB series - Schematic - - 63 68 $39.95
HP-23A Power Supply 120 VAC for SB series - Schematic - - - 68 73 -
HP-23B Power Supply 120 VAC for SB series - Schematic - - - 73 77 -
HP-23C Power Supply 120 VAC for SB series - Schematic - - - 78 79 -
HP-24 Power Supply 120 VAC for HA-14 - Schematic - - - 65 68 $49.95
HP-175 Power Supply For HW-2036A & HA-202A - - - - 78 79 -
HP-1144 Power Supply For SB-104 & HW-104 - Schematic - - - 74 78 -
HP-1144A Power Supply For SB-104 & HW-104 - Schematic - - - - - -
HP-1340 Microphone PTT mobile - - - - 80 81 -
HR-10 Receiver 80-10 AM/CW/SSB novice unit matches DX-60 - - 61 67 $75.00
HR-10B Receiver 80-10 AM/CW/SSB novice unit matches DX-60 - Schematic - 67 75 -
HR-20 Receiver SSB AM CW mobile replaces M R- 1 - 62 64 -
HR-1680 Receiver 80-10M / replaces HR-10B - - 76 82 -
HRA-10-1 Crystal Calibrator 100kHz for HR-10 - Schematic - - - 67 73 $8.95
HS-24 Speaker Mobile for HW series incl. Singlebanders - - 64 78 $7.00
HS-34 Speaker - - - 64 78 -
HS-1661 Speaker For HW-101/104/HR-1680 - - 75 82 -
HW-4P 440mHz HT originally made for Heath by Standard. 2 watts high, 1 watt medium and 0.3 watts low - - - 66 74 -
HW-7 Transceiver 40/20/15M, 3 watt CW QRP - Schematic - - 72 75 -
HW-7A Transceiver 40/20/15M, 3 watt CW QRP - - 72 75 -
HW-8 Transceiver 80/40/20/15M QRP - improved HW-7 - 2 watts - - 76 83 -
HW-9 Transceiver 80/40/20/15M OPR - optional WARC package - - 84 91 -
HW-10 Transceiver 6M 8w AM / 10w CW "Shawnee" - 61 65 -
HW-12 Transceiver LSB only 3.8-4.0 mhz 200 PEP input 'Singlebander' - 63 66 $119.95
HW-12A Transceiver USB/LSB 3.8-4.0 mhz 200 PEP input Replaces HW- 12 - - - 66 74 -
HW-16 Transceiver 80/40/15M 50-90 watts CW only - Schematic 1 - Schematic 2 - - 67 76 -
HW-17 Transceiver 2 meter AM 10 watts out - Schematic - - - 68 69 -
HW-17A Transceiver 2 meter AM 10 watts out - - - - 69 70 -
HW-18-1 Transceiver 4450-465OkHz 200w SSB Civil Air Patrol - - - 68 72 -
HW-18-2 Transceiver MARS SSB - - - - 68 69 -
HW-18-3 Transceiver 160M SSB - - - - 68 69 -
HW-19 Transceiver 10M 5w AM 'Tener' - 'Lunch Box' - - 60 62 -
HW-20 Transceiver 2M mobile 'Pawnee' AM/CW 8 watts AM 10 watts CW - - 61 65 -
HW-22 Transceiver 40M 200w PEP SSB 'Singlebander' - - 63 66 $119.95
HW-22A Transceiver 40M 200w PEP SSB Replaces HW-22 - - - 66 74 -
HW-24 Transceiver VHF: 144.000 to 147.995 MHz UHF: 438.000 to 449.995 MHz - - QRZ
- - -
HW-29 Transceiver 6M 5w AM 'Sixer' - 'Lunch Box' - - - 60 60 -
HW-29A Transceiver 6M 5w AM 'Sixer' - 'Lunch Box' - Schematic - - - 61 71 $44.95
HW-30 Transceiver 2M 5w AM 'Twoer' - 'Lunch Box' - Schematic - - 60 71 $44.95
HW-32 Transceiver 20M 200w PEP SSB 'Singlebander' - - 63 66 $119.95
HW-32A Transceiver 20M 200w PEP SSB Replaces HW-32 - - - 66 74 -
HW-99 Transceiver 80/40/15/10 CW 50 watts - - - 85 87 -
HW-100 Transceiver CW 80-10M 180w PEP SSB/CW HF - 68 71 -
HW-101 Transceiver 80-10M 180w PEP SSB/CW HF
- 70 83 -
HW-104 Transceiver Solid-state 80-10M 100w PEP SSB/CW HF - - - 75 57 -
HW-202 Transceiver 2M 6 ch 10 w FM base/mobile Push-button ch selection - Schematic - - - 73 57 -
HW-2021 Transceiver 2M HT 1 watt 5 channel - - - 75 57 -
HW-2026 Transceiver 2M 10w synth base/mobile - recalled - - - - 75 76 -
HW-2036 Transceiver Thumbwheels 10 watts - improved HW-2026 - - - 76 77 -
HW-2036A Transceiver Thumbwheels 10 watts - improved HW-2036 - - - 77 79 -
HW-5400 Transceiver Syth 80-10 plus WARC 100 watts replaces SB-104 - - - 83 84 -
HW-6502 Transceiver 2M HT w/thumb wheels - 1.5/5 watts assembled - - - 85 86 -
HW-7800 - - - - - - - -
HWA-7-1 Power Supply Schematic - - - - - -
HWA-9 Band Pack WARC crsytal pack for HW-9 - - - - 84 91 -
HWA-17-1 Power Supply Mobile for HW-17 - - - - 68 69 -
HWA-17-2 FM Adapter For use with HW-17 - - - - 69 69 -
HWA-202-1 Power Supply For HW-202 - Schematic - - - 73 57 -
HWA-202-2 Tone Burst Encoder For HW-202 - Schematic - - - - 73 57 -
HWA-2036-3 Power Supply 120 VAC for HW-2036A - Schematic - - - 78 79 -
HWA-5400-1 Power Supply 120 VAC for HW-5400 w/speaker & clock - - - 83 84 -
HWA-5400-3 Frequency Entry Keypad Frequency Entry Keypad for HW-5400 - - - - 83 84 -
HWA-6502-1 Amplifier Amplifier (25 watt 2M - assembled) - - - - 85 86 -
HWA-6502-2 Console Mobile Console for HW-6502 HT - - - - 85 86 -
HX-10 Transmitter 80-10M SSB/AM/CW 'Marauder' - Schematic - - 62 65 -
HX-11 Transmitter 80-10M 50 watt novice - Schematic - - 61 63 -
HX-20 Transmitter SSB 80-10 mobile replaces Cheyenne - - 62 64 -
HX-30 Transmitter 6M SSB AM CW 10 watt PEP - - 62 65 -
HX-1661 Transmitter HF 80-10 no WARC CW only - - - - 79 82 -
HX-1681 Transmitter HF/QSK matches HR-1680
- 79 82 -
KL-1 Amplifier 80-10 KW - requires KS-1 Schematic - 60 60 -
KS-1 Power Supply power supply for KL-1 Schematic - - 59 60 -
Lunch Box Transceiver See HW-19 / HW-29 / HW-30 / CB-1 - - - - - - -
Marauder Transmitter See HX-10 - - - - - - -
Microlizer Microphone Pre-amp See HD-1986 - - - - - - -
Mohawk Receiver See RX-1 - - - - - - -
Mohican Receiver See GC-1 and GC-1 A - - - - - - -
MP-1 Power Supply Mobile for MT-1 /M R-1 - - 60 - -
MR-1 Receiver Comanche mobile 80-10 AM/CW/SSB 8 ch - Schematic - 59 62 -
MR-1134 Scanner VHF marine band 156-163 MHz 'Cheyenne' - - - - 76 57 -
MT-1 Transmitter Mobile 80-10M 90w AM 'Cheyenne' - Schematic - 59 62 -
Pawnee Transceiver See HW-20 - - - - - - -
PM-1 Field Strength Meter Chrome front panel - - - 58 59 -
PM-2 Field Strength Meter 100 khz - 250 mhz - Schematic - - 60 75 $12.95
PS-23 Power Supply same as HP-23C - Schematic - - - - 83 -
PS-1144 Power Supply 120 VAC for SB-104A - - - - 78 82 -
PS-1175 Power Supply 120 VAC for 2 meter gear - - - 83 -
PS-9000 Power Supply 120 VAC for SS-9000 Schematic - - - - 82 83 -
PSA-9 Power Supply 120 VAC for HW-9 - Schematic - - - 84 91 -
QF-1 Q Multiplier for IFs from 450-460 khz - Schematic - - 56 60 -
QM-1 Q Multiplier Schematic - - - - 64 - -
RA-1 Receiver U.K. - 60 60 -
RM-1 Antenna HFmobile - - - - 60 60 -
RX-1 Mohawk Receiver 160-10M - Schematic

- 58 64 -
SA-1480 Antenna Switch 5 position remote wireline control - - 79 84 -
SA-2040 Antenna Tuner 3.5-30 mHz 2KW PEP/1KW CW - - - 79 83 -
SA-2060 Antenna Tuner 160-10M deluxe w/watt & SWR meter - - - 81 83 -
SA-2060A Antenna Tuner 160-10M 1 kw replaces SA-2060 - Schematic - - 83 91 -
SA-2500 Antenna Tuner 160-10M, automatic, 2000 watts PEP SSB and 1000 watts CW - - - 84 87 -
SA-2550 Remote Antenna Matcher 160-10M 1500 PEP - - - 86 88 -
SA-5010 Keyer uMatic' - - 81 85 -
SA-5010A Keyer Replaces SA-5010 - - - - 85 91 -
SB-10 Sideband Adapter For use with DX-100/TX-1 - Schematic - 59 64 -
SB-100 Transceiver 80-10M 180 PEP SSB/CW - - 65 67 $360.00
SB-101 Transceiver 80-10M 180 PEP SSB/CW - - 67 70 -
SB-102 Transceiver 80-10M 180 PEP SSB/CW - Schematic - - 70 75 -
SB-104 Transceiver 80-10M 100w SS B/CW solid-state - - - 74 77 -
SB-104A Transceiver Replaces SB-104 - - 77 82 -
SB-110 6m Transceiver 50-52 mHz SSB/CW - 65 69 $320.00
SB-110A Transceiver 6M replaces SB-110 - Schematic - - 69 71 -
SB-200 Amplifier 80-10M 1200 PEP 600 CW - Schematic - - - 64 78 $200.00
SB-201 Amplifier Replaces SB-200 - 80-15M- Schematic - - - 78 83 -
SB-220 Amplifier 80-10M 2KW PEP 1KW CW - Schematic - - - 70 78 -
SB-221 Amplifier 80-15M 2KW PEP 1KW CW - Schematic - - - 78 83 -
SB-230 Amplifier 80-15M 1200 PEP 600 CW - Schematic - - - 74 78 -
SB-300 Receiver 80-10M SSB/CW optional AM - - 63 66 -
SB-301 Receiver 80-10M SSB/CW optional AM
- - - 66 70 $260.00
SB-303 Receiver 80-10M solid state SSB/CW - - - 70 76 -
SB-400 Transmitter HF 80-10M SSB/CW 180 PEP input - - - 64 67 $285.00
SB-401 Transmitter 80-10M 180 PEP SSB/CW - Schematic - - 66 75 -
SB-500 Transverter For 2M for use with SB-series - Schematic - - 69 71 -
SB-600 Speaker Matches SB-100 et al - - 66 75 $17.95
SB-604 Speaker Matches SB-104 - - 74 82 -
SB-610 Monitor Scope Station monitor matches SB-100 et al - Schematic - 66 75 $69.95
SB-614 Monitor Scope Station monitor matches SB-104 et al - Schematic - 74 82 -
SB-620 Panadapter Scanalyzer panadapter matches SB-100 et al - Schematic - 66 76 -
SB-630 Station Console Clock/timer/patch/swr Matches SB-100 et al - Schematic - - 66 74 -
SB-634 Station Console Clock/timer/patch/swr/watts Matches SB-104 et al - - 74 83 -
SB-640 VFO Remote for SB-101/102 - Schematic - - - 67 70 -
SB-644 VFO Remote for SB-104 - Schematic - - - 74 79 -
SB-644A VFO Replaces SB-644 - - 79 84 -
SB-650 Frequency Display For SB-100 et al - 7 digit NIXIE readout - Schematic - - 72 75 -
SB-1000 Amplifier 80-15M 1KW PEP 850 CW - - - 87 92 -
SB-1400 Transceiver Not a kit - Copy of Yaesu's FT-747GX - - - 88 91 -
SBA-100-1 Mounting braket Mobile Mounting braket for SB series - - - - 68 73 $14.95
SBA-300-3 6M Converter for the SB series - Schematic - - - - - $19.95
SBA-300-4 2M Converter for the SB series - Schematic - - - - - $19.95
SBA-310-3 Mod. Kit - - - - - - - -
SBA-401-1 Misc Crystal Pack for SB-401 - - - - 67 - $29.95
SBA-1400-4 Power Supply/Speaker - - - - - - -
SBM-102-1 Mod 100/101 - - - - - - - -
SC-4802 Scope see IC-4802 - - - - - - -
Scanalyzer Panadapter See SB-620 - - - - - - -
SD-4850 Scope - memory see ID-4850 - - - - 91 - -
Shawnee Transceiver See HW-10 - - - - - - -
Singlebander - See HW-12 / HW-22 / HW-32 - - - - - - -
Sixer Transceiver See HW-29 and HW-29A - - - - - - -
SP-99 Speaker Matches HW-99 / HW-9 - - - 89 91 -
SS-9000 Transceiver WARC 100w SSB/CW assembled - - - 82 84 -
Tener Transceiver See HW-19 - - - - - - -
Twoer Transceiver See HW-30 - - - - - -
TX-1 Transmitter 80-10M 150w AM/CW 'Apache' - Schematic - 58 64 -
Ultrapro Keyer See HD-8999 - - - - - - -
UT-1 Power Supply 120 VAC for MT-1 / MR-1 - Schematic - - - 60 60 -
VF-1 VFO VFO (80-10M for use with DX series) - Schematic - - 52 61 -
VF-2031 Transceiver 2M HT 2 watt 8 ch - - 79 83 -
VF-7401 Transceiver 2M scanning replaces HW-2036A - - 80 83 -
VFA-7401-1 Power Supply 120 VAC for VF-7401 - - 80 82 -
VHF-1 Transmitter 6M & 2M 'Seneca' - Schematic - 58 62 -
VL-1180 Amplifier 2M 75 out/10 in mobile version - - 81 83 -
VL-2280 2M Amplifier 75 out/10 in Base version - - 81 83 -
VX-1 VOX Control Electronic Voice Control Kit - Schematic - - - 58 60 -
Warrior - See HA-10 - - - - - - -
XC-2 2M Converter For use with RX-1 - Schematic - - - - -
XC-6 6M Converter For use with RX-1 - Schematic - - - - - -