Ham Radio Magazine Heathkit Article Index

Ham Radio Magazine was published from 1968 to 1990. Although it is no longer published, used copies are sometimes available from various sources. Articles cover a wide range of subjects. A website containing a cumulative index is available. Other Internet resources are available (use your favorite search tool). What follows is an alphabetic listing of articles pertaining to Heathkit which is the focus of this webpage.
CA1, ten-minute timer fromK8HZ74Jul 68
HD-10 keyer, positive lead keyingW4VAF88Nov 78
HD-1410, Cathode key with theK9XM, N9MX80Jan 82
HD-1982 Micoder for low-impedance operationJohnson, Wesley86May 78
HD-4040 TNC Wilson Mark II and IV, modifications toW9EPT89Jan 80
HG-10B, independent keying ofK4BRR67Sep 70
HM-2102 vhf wattmeter, high power calibration forW9TKR70Feb 76
HM-2102 wattmeter modeK3VNR64Sep 75
HM-2102 wattmeter, better balancingVE6RF56Jan 75
HO-10 as RTTY monitor scopeK9HVW70Sep 74
HR-2B external speaker and tonepadN1FB89Nov 78
HW-7 mods, keying and receiver blankingWA5KPG60Dec 74
HW-8, improved keying forW3HVK60Aug 82
HW-8, increased break-in delayK6YB84Jun 79
HW-8, Improved stability and dial calibration for theW3HVK103Nov 83
HW-12 on MARSK8AUH63Sep 71
HW-16 keyingW7DI57Dec 73
HW-16, low-impedance headphones forWN8WJR88Jul 77
HW-16, vfo operations forWB6MZN54Mar 73
HW-16, vfo operations forShort circuit58Dec 73
HW-17 modificationsWA5PWX66Mar 71
HW-17A, perking up-70Aug 70
HW-100 incremental tuningK1GUU67Jun 69
HW-100 tuning knob, looseVE3EPY68Jun 71
HW-100, HW-101, grid-current monitor forK4MFR46Feb 73
HW-100, the newW1NLB64Sep 68
HW-101 sidetone controlAD9M79Jul 79
HW-101, using with a separate receiverWA1MKP63Oct 73
HW-202 lamp replacementW5UNF83Sep 76
HW-202, adding private-lineWA8AWJ53Jun 74
HW-202, another look at the fm channel scanner forK7PYS68Mar 76
HW-202, fm channel scanner forW7BZ41Feb 75
HW-202, Private-line, adding toWA8AWJ53Jun 74
HW-2036 modsMosher, E.A.8Jun 81
HW-2036 antenna socketW3HCE80Jan 79
HW-2036, carrier-operated relay forWD5HYO58Feb 80
HW-2036, Lever action switch illuminationW2IFR99Jul 78
HW-2036, outboard LED frequency displayWB8TJL50Jul 78
HW-2036, updating to the HW-2036AWB6TMH, WA6ODR62Mar 79
HW-2036, updating theWA4BZP50Nov 80
HWA-2036-3 crowbar circuitW3HCE88Nov 78
HX-1681W2UWO83Sep 83
IM-11 vtvm, convert to IC voltmeterK6VCI42Dec 74
Intrusion alarmRossman81Jun 77
IO-4530 oscilloscope, modificationsBailey20Aug 82
Micoder improvementsW1OLP42Nov 78
Micoder matchingWB8VUN8Sep 78
SB receivers, RTTY reception withK9HVW64Oct 71
SB-100, using an outboard receiver withK4GMR68Feb 70
SB-102 headphone operationK1KXA87Oct 77
SB-102 modificationsW2CNQ58Jun 75
SB-102 modificationsW2CNQ78Mar 77
SB-102 modificationsW2CNQ79Mar 77
SB-102 modificationsW1JE110Mar 78
SB-102, receiver incremental tuning forK1KXA81Aug 76
SB-102, rf speech processor forW6IVI38Jun 75
SB-102, WWV onK1KXA78Jan 77
SB-104A, Improved receiver performance forN2EO78Apr 81
SB-200 amplifier modifying for the 8873 zero-bias triodeW6UOV32Jan 71
SB-200 amplifier, six-meter conversionK1RAK38Nov 71
SB-200 CW modificationK6YB99Nov 77
SB-220 transceiver, inrush currentW3GYM66Dec 80
SB-300, RTTY withW2ARZ76Jul 68
SB-301/401, Improved sidetone operationW1WLZ73Oct 69
SB-303, 10-MHz coverage forW1JE61Feb 74
SB-303 receiver, noise reductionSuzuki70Jun 82
SB-400 and SB-401, improving alc response inWA9FDQ71Jan 70
SB-400/SB-401, simple speech amplifier forW8LMH72Jun 81
SB-610 as RTTY monitor scopeK9HVW70Sep 74
SB-650 using with other receiversK2BYM40Jun 73
SB-series crystal control and narrow shift RTTY with shift RTTY withWA4VYL54Jun 73
Heath ten-minute timerK6KA75Dec 71
Heath's new all-band transceiver, the SS-MWW9JUV12Nov 82
Micoder adapted to low-impedance inputWB2GXF78Aug 79
SB-series equipment, heterodyne crystal switchingK1KXA78Mar 77
Sixer, spot switchWA6FNR84Dec 69
Heathkit, noise limiter forW7CKH67Mar 71
Using an RTTY terminal unit with theAA8V59Aug 86
Receiving RTTY with Heath SB receiversK9HVW64Oct 71
Monitor scope, RTTY, Heath HO-10 and SB-610K9HVW70Sep 74
RTTY reception with Heath SB receiversK9HVW64Oct 71
Seneca As A 2-meter FM AmplifierW3NNL8Mar 89