73 Magazine Heathkit Article List

73 Magazine is another great resource on all brands of vintage radio gear and the history of radio. Articles cover a wide range of subjects. The magazine ceased publication with the September 2003 issue. There are no sources for purchasing back issues. This means that hamfests, eBay, etc. are probably the best (or only) places to find issues. What follows is a chronological listing of Heath related articles gleaned from the 73 Magazine Index created by Steve KB9MWR.
Testing the GC-1AStaff1Oct-6038
Heath Phone PatchK2DHA5Feb-6124
Testing the Heath Two'erW3UZN7Apr-6134
An S Meter for Your Sixer or Your Tenner or Your TwoerK5VMC10Jul-6128
Simplified Breakin as applied to the ApacheW4HBO16Jan-6240
73 Tests the Heathkit IM-10 VTVMW3UZN19Apr-6281
73 Tests the Heath HA-10 LinearK3KMO20May-6268
Seneca Modulation and KeyingWA2INM21Jun-6256
50 Watts on 50 MHZ in 50 Seconds Starting With the Heath DX-20K9STH25Oct-6210
73 Tests the Heath IM-30W5SJN26Nov-6258
The Heathkit HR-20W4WKM27Dec-6236
The Heathkit WarriorW6EUM27Dec-6260
The Heathkit CantennaW3UZN27Jan-6362
The Heath HX-30W3WTO31Apr-63112
Heath Monitor ScopeW4WKM34Jul-6378
Heath HW-22WA2TDH40Jan-6474
Heath Warrior TipW2DOR41Feb-6412
Heath SB-300WA2TDH47Aug-6466
The Heath SB-400K1RPB48Sep-6464
Heath Applications SeriesK8AJD50Nov-6484
Heath Tunnel DipperW3UZN51Dec-6484
Sixer to the N'thK1GHO51Dec-6426
Two'er TalkW8HHS51Dec-6428
Heath Cantenna for UHFK4MIO52Jan-6534
Heath SB-200WA2TDH52Jan-6578
Heath GR-64W3UZN54Mar-6572
The Heath Ham ScanWA2TDH60Sep-6570
Improving the Heath MohawkW9ECQ61Oct-6568
Testing the Heath kW KompactWB6KEH61Oct-6588
The Heath SB-110WA1CCH62Nov-6578
Twelve cm Heathscope - Heath IO-12W7IDF64Jan-6686
The HD-10W2JDL66Mar-6650
The Heath SB-100K2EQB71Aug-6650
Heathkit HM-15 SWR MeterW7IDF72Sep-6668
Heath SB-400 ModificationW4NJF-K4ASU74Nov-6674
The Heath GR-54 SWL ReceiverW3UZN74Nov-6678
The Heath SB-610W1DTY75Dec-6654
The Heathkit HW-32A 20 Meter TransceiverW1DTY80May-67102
The Heathkit SB-301 ReceiverW2JDL81Jun-6776
Heath HR-10 ModificationsVE3FYL82Jul-6786
The Heathkit SB-401 TransmitterW2DJL82Jul-6798
Heathkit SB630 Control ConsoleW2DJL84Sep-6796
Review: The Heath IM-17 VTVMW2TQK95Aug-6834
A review of the SB-110AMatthew96Sep-6860
Putting the HW-12 on 160 MetersW8FGB100Jan-6912
Solid-State MonitoringW6JDD100Jan-6926
Heath HW-18 Receiver ReviewW8QUR102Mar-6950
Heath SB-610 Monitor Scope ModificationsK6SDE103Apr-6942
Review of the Heathkit It-28 Capacitor CheckerW0HMK105Jun-6964
Modification of the HW18-3 VFOW8QUR106Jul-69100
Super SixerWA3AQS114Mar-7060
Heath Tenner ModificationK8JLK124Jan-7145
I Built a CounterSessions129Jun-7148
2 KW From Heath - SB220W6BMK130Jul-7177
Modified Heathkit HW-16 CW TransceiverWA3PRV137Feb-72101
The Heath IB-102 PrescalerW4FQM142Jul-7263
VFO Operation for the Two'erWB6FVW143Aug-7289
Update Your Heath HR-10VE4RE146Nov-72205
Heath Desktop CalculatorWA9FPP151Apr-7390
The Heath GR-110 Scanning ReceiverW3WTO158Nov-7339
Modifications to Heathkit GC-1005 Digital Readout ClockWA0KHV161Feb-7450
Heath HW-202 ReviewW3WTO164May-7437
Heath IO-103 ModsMcCarthy168Sep-7455
The Heath HWA 202-1W3WTO169Oct-7441
Heathkit GR-78W9KXJ171Dec-74109
The Heath SB-103?K9WQY173Feb-7590
Updating the Heathkit IB-1101WA5OKA182Nov/Dec-75214
Mod for the Heath IO-102 ScopeWB4MYL196Jan-7765
Heath HW-2021 ReviewK4JEM203 Aug-77160
Heath HT GoodiesWA1IZS208Jan-78180
The IG-102 Goes Transistor!Rossnick212May-78120
Rock Steady for Heath HW-2021WA5RON215Aug-7860
Improving Heath's HTWA6TLK217Oct-7854
Rejuvanate a PawneeK4GRT/W4IEV217Oct-78104
Heath's GR-88 Gets Religion!W2AOO218Nov-78222
The Heath/Kenwood Connection - RIT for the 104WB5QGI223Apr-79128
A Better CantennaW5CG227Aug-79124
A Brasspounder Improves Heath's HR-1680KA5N232Jan-8076
Test Gear Bargin from Heath - a Multi-Purpose RCL BridgeStaff235Apr-8062
SWTP/H14 Get-TogetherWA8GTG236May-80100
Five Test Equipment Bargins from Heath - 5280 SeriesW2QFC237Jun-8046
RTTY with the H8W5IFQ239Aug-80106
Getting the SB-220 to IdleW9RY241Oct-80197
Scanner Magic for Heath's 2036WA4BZP243Dec-8088
Help for the HW-2036K8KUZ247Apr-8196
Review: The GU-1820 AC GeneratorAC9V253Oct-8142
Heath's HA-202 Goes to 220 MHzWA5VJB253Oct-8148
More Punch for the Hot Water 101K5SE253Oct-8152
Extra Accuracy for Heathkit ClocksN5AEN254Nov-81124
Speed Demon - 1410 Keyer WPM DisplayK4ZHM266Nov-82102
A perfect Match for the HW-8 - 30 MetersWA6BJH279Dec-8352
Messing With Heath - 101 Control ModAI7C287Aug-8446
Cheap Heath Help - HW101 OffsetK6YB294Mar-8548
Speak-No-Evil RTTY - H8WA6NHC297Jun-8540
Tells All - The Heathkit HO-5404 Station MonitorN1BLH312Sep-8624
See the Band - Heathkit's HOA-5404-1 Pan AdapterN1BLH313Oct-8620
Heath Power - the IP-2760 Battery EliminatorKW1O314Nov-8624
Every Ham's Computer - the HS-148KW1O315Dec-8622
Tuner Transformation - Heath SA-2500Ferrand319Apr-8746
Novice Rig - Heath HW-99 TransceiverKA9HCC319Apr-8730
HW-8 Replacement - the HW-9WB8VGE323Aug-8722
Heath SB-200/220 ModVE5XZ330Mar-8820
Heathkit SB-1000K3RVN335Aug-8815
The Heath HK-21 TNCN7KHU342Mar-8938
Heathkit Adapter and Coax Cable KitsWB9RRT362Nov-9047
Upgrade Your HD-4040N2BLI363Nov-9019
Heathkit ManiaWB2WPM432Sep-9680
A Silk Purse - Easy Upgrades for the Heathkit SB-104K9ARF455Aug-9810