Nostalgic Kits Central

73 Magazine Allied Article List

73 Magazine is another great resource on all brands of vintage radio gear and the history of radio. Articles cover a wide range of subjects. The magazine ceased publication with the September 2003 issue. There are no sources for purchasing back issues. This means that hamfests, eBay, etc. are probably the best (or only) places to find issues. What follows is a chronological listing of Allied Knight-Kit related articles gleaned from the 73 Magazine Index created by Steve KB9MWR.
Testing the Knight GDOW2OKU8May-6135
73 Tests the Knight R-55 ReceiverW3UZN15Dec-6158
73 Tests the Knight T-60 TransmitterW4WKM18Mar-6242
73 Tests the Knight RF Z Bridge and Pocket VOMWA2INM20May-6274
73 Tests the Knight Kit Coded Practice OscillatorWA2INM21Jun-6256
T-60 Modifications - Break-in and PTTW4WKM23Apr-6258
73 Reviews the Knight-Kit T-150K9PWT28Jan-6348
73 Tests the Knight-Kit P2 SWR MeterK6UGT32May-6380
Knight-Kit R-100AW6EUM34Jul-6376
73 Tests the C-577WA1CCH64Jan-6680
The Knight TR-106 and V-107WA1CCH71Aug-6662
The Knight-Kit KG-640 VOMW1DTY76Jan-67102
The Knight-Kit TR-107 2 Meter TransceiverK1RA76Jan-67105
The Knight-Kit KG-663 Low-Voltage Power SupplyW1DTY84Sep-6794
The Knight-Kit T-175 6/10 Linear AmplifierW1DTY85Oct-6790
Knight V-107 VFO for Six and Two MetersK6GKX109Oct-69123
A Look at Allied's Portable FM ReceiversK9STH118Jul-7044
Knight-Kit KG-696 RF Generator Kit ReviewW9KXJ119Aug-7052
73 Reviews the Allied AX-190 Ham ReceiverStaff136Jan-7230